More HD channels. Over 85+ channels of News, Life Style, Documentaries, Movies, Kids & Sports. Live Coverage of major Football League & other Sports.
Get your fix of all local channels, a variety of news and ethnic channels mixed in with some entertainment channels in our Local Package.
All the channels from local package is included. But that’s not all, get your general fix of sports, kids, documentaries, infotainment, entertainment and kids content with our Basic package. Also, you get the option of adding any of our add-on packages to complete your entertainment needs.
The name says is all. Family. We have something for everyone of you in the family. In addition to all the channels available in our basic package, follow through to find a more comprehensive entertainment package. In addition to the entertainment and infotainment HD and SD channels, catch a glipse of our 4K channels.
Best varieties of channels. Drama, Action, Adventure & many more.