
Terms and Conditions for Medianet FPL 2024-25

published : Thursday, 15 Aug 2024

Medianet FPL 2024-25 - Terms and Conditions

Eligibility: The competition is open to all residents of the Maldives, including both locals and foreigners.

Social Media Requirement: Participants must follow Medianet on social media (Facebook, Instagram & X).

Team Entry: Each participant is allowed to enter only one team.

Team Name Restrictions: Vulgar or inappropriate team names are not permitted.

Manager of the Month: The Manager of the Month will be selected at the end of each month. Prizes will be awarded within one week.

Tie-Breaker: In the event of a tie, the winner will be chosen through a random draw.

Prize Collection: Monthly winners will be invited to the Medianet office for a photo opportunity during prize handover. If the winner is unable to attend, a representative can be sent. 

Unclaimed Prizes: If the monthly prize is not claimed within one week, it will be awarded to the runner-up.

Proof of Ownership: Medianet may request proof of team ownership before awarding prizes.

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