
Value Added Services


KARAOKE can be downloaded free of Charge on M580 and MX380.

To complete the package, Medianet is also introducing Karaoke Speaker and Soundbar with Microphone which will be available to purchase at Medianet Front Office.

To set up Karaoke Application on your set up box, follow this step by step guideline:

  1. Press ‘HOME’ icon and scroll down to ‘APP STORE’
  2. Click to ‘KARAOKE’ icon to Download
  3. Press ‘Install’

After the Installation, the application can be launched from the icon seen on the HOME option.

With this Karaoke service our customers will get access to over 500 songs of all genres and can take turns to sing their preferred Dhivehi, Hindi or English songs over pre-recorded backing tracks.

Medianet aims to use latest technology to bring the best quality entertainment service for our customers. We would also like to thank our customers for their continuous support and loyalty towards Medianet.

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